Friday, December 17, 2010

Dr. Kurt Howse

A sad day today.  Found out that my friend of many years - Dr. Kurt Howse - passed away.  He will be missed.

Ms. Lea Desmarteau

Here's the beautiful Ms. Lea Desmarteau in my original design for Christmas in the Sky - with a very hot date I might add!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Here's quick pics of one of the Christmas in the Sky gowns.  Forgive me on these.  I "drowned" out the vibrant colours with the digital and flash I used.  The greens, etc. were the brightest colours!  However, will soon have pics of my client - Lea Desmarteau - in the dress.  Also, by rotating the pics, the dress seems a little "fuller" than it actually was.  My client is over 6', and looks like a "tall drink of water" in this.  Anyhoo, you can get an idea of what I created for her in 100% retro inspired silk charmeuse.


Oh yes, forgot that I also have to attend John 's "Ornament" party, cook a quiche for same, and help with some costumes for the "A Very Naughty Christmas Gala" by Bon Temps Burlesque next Sunday, December 19th, 7:00pm at 516 Texas Avenue.


Well, it's definitely been a rollercoaster few weeks.  The compressor in my car went kaput to the tune of $816! (Thank you parents.) Then my computer gave up the ghost.  (Thank you parents for my new Christmas present.) Then my Mother's toilet sprang a leak.  Jane to the rescue for a temporary fix 'til plumbers could get there.  Then the water faucet at the back of the fridge for the icemaker sprang a leak!  And that was just house and home stuff!  This week managed to get many alterations out the door.  Then did a re-vamp, alteration, and three original gown designs for "Christmas in the Sky" - the huge, two yearly fundraising event for the Shreveport Regional Arts Council.  Next for today and this week - clean the carnage that is the sewing room and rest of the house, finish making some "kilt" skirts, put 600 grommets in a suede skirt, finish making green satin pants/black pantsuit/blue corset, alter wedding dress, and more alterations. So glad it's going to be a much quieter week!!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Well, welcome to my world.  People have been asking me for a long time to create a blog documenting my sewing and cooking skills, and just general odds and sods.  I resisted for the longest time, and then I thought, why not.  I tell everyone on Facebook anyway, so what's the difference, LOL!!!  You'll have to bear with me with regard updating my Blog.  My business is very "feast or famine" - a rather annoying state of affairs.  Up and down like a bloody yo-yo!  However, as I always tell everyone, I'm so laid back I'm almost horizontal, so I try not to worry too much about that aspect of things.  The way I look at it, I woke up this morning - always a bonus eh!!!  So you are welcome to join me in my world and experience the usually frenetic, crazy, stressful, fun, 10 balls in the air life that is mine!